Employment Equity
The Office of Diversity, Equity and Sustainability Initiatives (ODESI) is leading OCAD University’s employment equity initiatives to promote equitable access to, and participation in, the ecology of OCAD U for groups designated by the Federal Contractor’s Program (racialized and Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and women) and other equity seeking and under-represented communities, including LGBTTQQI2SA communities and persons caring for elder or child dependents.
To meet this objective, ODESI has developed a training curriculum that is delivered to all academic hiring committee and will inform the development of hiring best practices at OCAD U. ODESI collects and analyses workforce representation data to identify and remove barriers and to measure progress and will continue to promote substantive workplace equity through departmental equity planning.

Educational & Employment Equity Committee (EEEC)
The Educational & Employment Equity Committee (EEEC) is an advisory committee to the President and the Board of Governors. Its mandate is to create an equitable and accessible educational and employment environment, diversify curriculum and teaching methods, and ensure recruitment and retention of underrepresented student groups as well as faculty and staff. To learn more about the EEEC, please view the Terms of Reference:
EEEC membership
The EEEC has several categories of memberships: permanent, non-permanent and co-opted members. The members include faculty, staff, alumni and a Board of Governors representative.