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marry kirkpatrick design

Our new home at 100 McCaul will open this fall continuing our 44-year tradition of exhibiting OCAD U students and recent grads. Ignite plans its program schedule after its annual call for submissions, which is released every spring. All applications are reviewed by the Gallery’s Selection Committee, which includes the Gallery’s Coordinators, representatives from the OCADU faculty and student body, as well as external advisors. Only successful applicants will receive a response from Ignite Gallery in June 2020. We accept applications from individual artists, designers, and curators, as well as group submissions. No solo shows will be accommodated; however, the Selection Committee may combine individual artists who apply into a group exhibition. The committee works to create a balanced program that reflects the diverse range of work produced across all programs at OCAD U.

For the upcoming exhibition year, we hope to receive more performance and experiential insulations

Please include all of the following in a single PDF, name the PDF your name, (example GarfieldArbuckle.pdf) and email to:

1. Contact name(s)

2. Phone number(s)

3. Email(s)

4. Program/year

5. Artist statement (individual submissions) or exhibition proposal
(group submissions)

6. A selection of images (maximum 10 images per application or 5 minutes of time-based media
not exceeding 30 MB). Submit links in the PDF for files over 30MB or for video.

7. If applicable: an image list, with dimensions and materials.
Label all image files with a number and your name. Ensure that the numbers for the first nine images begin with a zero (for example:01GarfieldArbuckle.jpg, 02GarfieldArbuckle.jpg …10GarfieldArbuckle.jpg). This will ensure that they are presented in the correct order.