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Deep Down My Heart Sings Group Exhibition

Deep Down My Heart Sings Group Exhibition

Deep Down My Heart Sings Group Exhibition


A lack of visibility does not equate to invisibility. In times of great struggle, both internal and external, we often feel a loneliness that we are beyond our capacity. However, for some, in a time where great struggle reigns, a voice can choose to express itself, allowing us to share our stories with those who’ll listen. Deep Down My Heart Sings speaks to the ongoing experiences of OCAD U community members who have and/or continue to struggle with a neurological condition. Through artistic research, these individuals peel away the layers of invisibility associated with Anxiety, Epilepsy, ADHD, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Depression, traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, and many more to reveal the truth of their challenges. In a variety of mediums, these artists demonstrate their growth from adversity and the complexities of living with an illness that is so often perceived as silent. Despite the masks of societal associations and stigmas, having a silent illness doesn’t make one wrong or mean that one stands alone. Deep down, all our hearts sing for the truth of our being and our dreams and desires; we need only the chance to be heard.

  • March 15 to March 20
  • Ada Slaight Gallery, 100 McCaul St, 2nd floor