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OCAD U students place as runners up in Adobe Netflix challenge

LINKD screen capture

Last month, fourth-year Graphic Design students Kate Jung and Felicia Shane Evangeline won the top prize in the Adobe College Creative Jam with Activision, in which teams from schools around the world responded to the challenge to create an app that connects, welcomes and informs new gamers using the user experience design and prototyping tool Adobe XD.

This month, that winning duo came out on top again, with fourth-year Graphic Design student Sophia Choi to create team F.K.S. and placing as runners up with their project LINKD in the Adobe College Creative Jam with Netflix. This competition challenged nearly 1000 teams to use Adobe XD to create an interactive mobile prototype to create a connecting experience despite the pandemic.  

About team F.K.S.’s project, LINKD:
"LINKD is a central platform that bridges content from all your video streaming services. With a foremost focus on inclusivity, users can customize and adjust their interface to their preference, creating a video platform that is accessible for everyone. These controls can be accessed anywhere and anytime, with many accommodations also reflected in the platform (Dot indicators for active buttons, text labels for video content, text-to-speech options, etc.), bridging a critical gap for impaired users.

For social connectivity, users can share their cinematic experience with others by joining a friend’s stream in live time, collaborating in watchlists, or inviting friends to a scheduled Watch Party. While streaming together, they can video/audio call or chat — with members or wider LINKD users. Finally, the app’s data-driven predictions do not just cater content for the user, but also content that could be enjoyed with a friend —furthering the experience of shared cinema."

Kate and Felicia first participated in an Adobe Creative Challenge in April, with the Adobe x AirBnB Creative Jam, where they were also runners-up. “We’re absolutely hooked, and so glad to have teamed up with Sophia this time around! We'd love to share our experiences with other OCAD students and, are looking forward to future opportunities!” Watch for future Adobe Creative Jams opportunities.

Congratulations Kate, Felicia and Sophia!