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INVC 10 years: Swimming with Nigig Panel Discussion

INVC 10 years: Swimming with Nigig Panel Discussion poster

INVC 10 years: Swimming with Nigig

Panel Discussion


In celebration of the 10th anniversary of OCAD University’s Indigenous Visual Culture (INVC) Program in the Faculty of Arts and Science, and in conjunction with the Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the Faculty of Art presents a panel discussion: INVC 10 years: Swimming with Nigig.

This past summer the INVC program mounted an exhibition Nigig Diving the Depth: 10 years of Indigenous Visual Culture at OCAD U, which showcased the talent and diverse practices of the Indigenous Visual Culture community, including work by current and former students and faculty. 

This panel discussion will continue this dialogue and provide an opportunity to envision what the next 10 years of program might look like. 

Moderated by Susan Blight, Delaney Chair, Indigenous Visual Culture, the panel will bring together artists from the INVC 10-year anniversary exhibition (Jason Lujan, Assistant Professor & Sadie Red Wing, Assistant Professor) and invited guest, Bonnie Devine, Emerit Associate Professor and founding Chair of the INVC program and the INVC Student Centre. Together, they will reflect on the program, its impact, and their artwork from the show.

Please join us for this opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the Indigenous Visual Culture program and celebrate the artists and scholars who have participated in the program over the past decade.


INVC 10 years: Swimming with Nigig

Panel Discussion

Location: OCAD University Auditorium, MCA 190, 100 McCaul Street

Date: Thursday, September 28th 

Time: 4:00 – 6:00 PM 


Nigig, the otter, is the totem of the University’s Indigenous Visual Culture program and was chosen because otters dive down into the depths of unknown waters and emerge with tools upon which to crack open the shell of their imagination. They are playful, dexterous, inventive, curious and filled with boundless energy and joy.